Revelation, Chapter Four #3
Adam and Eve made just as good a apron as any Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, or Pentecostal could make, it covered their nakedness. But God could see through it, so He killed something and took the dead skins of the—skins of the dead animal and covered it. Blood had to take its place. That stayed His wrath, He seen the blood and backed off from it, because something had shed its life. O God!
Think of it! Only thing that’ll back off God is Blood. And there’s only one Blood that He’ll back from, and that’s His Own Son. When He sees that’s His Own Son’s Blood, He’ll back back. ’Cause that’s the gift that is…God has given to His Son, to redeem those who He foreknew, and it brings God back from His judgment. But when that Blood is removed, and all that was foreknown has been called into the precious Body, His Church has been made ready and taken up, then God’s wrath is on the people.
Oh, brother, don’t never want to stand there!
Daily Bread Hebrews 13:12
Wherefore Jesus also, that he might sanctify the people with his own blood, suffered without the gate.
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Zoe.CuevaDelProfeta.com - Dios les bendiga. Compartimos el Pan de Vida para los Hijos de Dios.
- God bless you. We share the Bread of Life for the Sons of God.
- Deus os abençoe. Compartilhamos o Pão da Vida para os Filhos de Deus.
- Dieu vous bénisse. Nous partageons le pain de vie pour les fils de Dieu.